- Outside
- Under a 'rough' looking bridge
- Dirt track, surrounded by trees
- Old looking cell - Black Bars, Brick Work, Bench
- Modern Cell - Plain, White Walls, Bench + Corridor
These locations will narate 3 parts of the music video. The outside location will represent the lifestyle the character use to have. e.g. 'gangsta' .
The Old cell will be the base to the majority of the music video, with the other locations acting as cut aways. The stereotypical 'black bars' and brick work will add the edgey/gothic feel to the music video.
The modern cell will act as the 'ending' outcome to the narrative, with cut aways of the outside locations representing how she got there, without any simple explanation.
- Female
- Attractive/Sex appeal
Make - up & Costume
Outside Shots - Hard/Stern Looking, Dark eyes, Hair tied up tight.
Location 1.
Bike boots, knee high sock, sequin shorts, black top, fur coat, (stereotypical 'gangsta')
Location 2.
- Fur coat, High heels, Knee high socks, short black dress
These will represent a 'gangsta' image and represent the character as 'hard/tough' and almost fearless, with a hint of glamour (sequin shorts etc) to represent her being female.
With the high heels, short dress etc giving an attractive sex appeal to conform to similar music videos and attract audiences.
Old Cell - Attractive with sex appeal
- Hair down, Dark eye make-up
- Lace leotard + Black wet look leggings & High Heels
The lace is a material conbsiderde 'sexy' as well as the leather look to the wet look leggings.
With these shots being the base of the music video, sex appeal is important to attract the audience. The character will retain a 'hard' appearance, but this has been weakened slightly with the hair styled down.
Modern Cell -
The character will appear 'weak'.
- Neutral colour jumper, short length
- This will represent vulnerability
- Smudged eye make-up (appears to be/had been crying)
- Again to represent vulnerability
These shots will be a complete contrast of the 'hard and stern' appearance of the outside shots, with the 'old cell' being the happy medium and the 'glue' of the music video.
Outside Shots - These will be in colour, to represent the 'colourful' lifestyle the character once had.
A variety of shots and movements will be used, from close ups, to long shots, tracking and tilting.
Modern cell - The modern cell will also be in black and white,
however the last shot in the modern cell will be in colour to represent 'reality'
Many close-ups will be used to represent vulnerability and will provide an intense atmosphere for the audience to connect with the character
Old cell - All shots of the old cell will be in black and white. A contrast to the others in order to represent a 'fantasy' feel, and be the 'performance' aspect of the video.
The black and white will also represent 'right & wrong'. Stereotypical gangstas are known to commit crimes, and with the shots of the character in a cell, the black and white will represent the right and wrong of her previous lifestyle.
The lighting will be very low key, to represent the edgey/gothic feel to my video, and the 'dark' areas of lifestyle.
I will use a simple small flood light to light the filming within the old and modern cell.
I will use the headlights of a car to light the outside shots, as this will also feauture as a realistic form of light whilst outside.
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