Due to Rihanna’s ever changing style, her audiences change with her, however as she gathers new audiences they appear to stay with her even when she changes her style.
Rihanna’s main target group is around aged 12 – 25, and predominantly females. However as she grows, her audiences grows and becomes more and more diverse.
Rated R is her most diverse album to date; it wasn’t targeted at her ‘typical’ audience as it touches upon sensitive subjects.
Quoted from an article By Sean Daly, Times Pop Music Critic
‘Most of the songs are dark, moody, littered with f-bombs and nookie talk. Russian Roulette, penned by Ne-Yo, is one of the more disturbing pop singles to come along. Hard, featuring a rap by Jeezy, is awash in swagger. G4L and Rockstar 101, the latter juiced by the slithery guitar licks of Slash, are throwdown songs establishing supremacy’
‘artist writes five of the 13 tracks, but she's emotionally invested in all of them, as she alternates between the relationship in question and the furious fallout. With her island lilt and sing-speak rhyming style, Rihanna often addresses her fears not with understanding but a full-frontal assault of aggression, gunshots and booty calls.’
‘That "explicit" sticker on the cover is there for a reason.’
Rated R is aimed more towards older teens and younger adults, of around 15 – 25, who can appreciate her music and not be offended by the explicit content.
As my song choice is from the album Rated R I will hold my focus group with sixth form students aged 16-18.
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