- Camera
- Tripod
- Ipod + Docking station
- Lighting
- Still camera
Outside shoot;
Due to no electricity I intend to use car head lights in order to provide enough lighting for the camera. It will also fit in nicely with the representation of the shoot.
The lights will give a unique effect, compared to the other shots.
The low key lighting will also help to represent the 'dark' and 'secret' feel to a 'gangstas' lifestyle as well as the unlying representation of the dark issue of domestic violence.
The tripod will prevent the camera from shaking where unwanted and the ipod and docking station will allow the performer to lip sync to the song easier.
Old Cell -
I will use a small flood light in order to light the old cell, creating shadows and a unique lighting look.
The shadows will create both a high key and low key lighting look, which will help to represent the two personalities of the female character;
The strong, independent female with a 'gangsta' lifestyle
and the fragile and vulnerable female that has suffered the domestic violence.
Modern Cell -
Again, I will use the small flood light, as the location is fairly well lit to begin with. I want to create high key lighting to help represent vulnerability.
The high key lighting will show purity and innocence of the female, and help to highlight the vulnerability. It will represent, not only the performer, but the issue of domestic violence and the group of women that have or are suffering from violence.
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