Sunday 13 March 2011

360 Music Video/Advertising

Artists are forever trying to think of new, fresh and unique ideas to keep their audiences interested.

Professor Green made an advertising partnership with Doritos.
Doritos would release special editions pack with a code on the back in order to view an interactive 360 music video from Professor Green, having benefits for both the artist and Doritos.
These were the first 360 interactive music videos created. The aim was that the audience could control what part of the music video they saw and each time you watched you saw something different, attracting them to revisit to continue new ways of watching and this would lead to the audience consuming more of the artist, therefore giving them more advertisement.

People who would not usually listen to Professor Green would still go just to view a new style of music video, and this would attract a new audience to the artist.

Link to 360 video:

Other artists have made similar deals with Doritos, such as Rihanna.

Artists will often try other things to keep their audience interested or attract new ones, such as free downloads of a song for a certain amount of time.

This is common with new up and coming artists.
You are often able to download a song for free from an artist’s Myspace or website; this often attracts new audiences as they are able to ‘sample’ the music before committing to buying.
It takes more than music alone to be successful in the music industry today. Artists continuously have to either re-invent themselves, do unique advertising stunts or release merchandise such as clothing or jewellery.

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